Monday, April 9, 2012

Flekkerøy, Our Island Home

It's interesting when God gives you such a love for a people and place that it feels like 'home'. That doesn't mean that I don't think about my family, friends, and church in Utah every day. I miss my peeps terribly but I also have a sense of purpose in our time in Norway that is very fulfilling, and this helps assuage the longing for the above mentioned treasures.

I find there are delights around every corner in Norway and I learn so much about God here.  He is teaching me day by day how to live more fully in faith; how to trust Him in my own weakness; how to make His desire the focus and purposes in all that I do.  I love to pray and walk on the ground of this land, stretching up and pulling into this reality the good things I know He has planned for Norway.  I feel the ground rumbling with the boiling, bubbling waters of Revival and know there is a tsunami of glory coming. 

This is also a place of incredible beauty which inspires me and I find myself taking photos of everything I see!  Aren't the clouds glorious as the sunset paints its orange color around the edges? Serene water and the hint of color. Really nice.

Completely bathed in orange light!

And finally, the softness of the light after the sun had gone down. So quiet and subtle. There is a blue-grey  haze in the air that is stunning. Look at the lighthouse in the distance just beginning to cast its first beams into the evening, and the smooth shadows cast by the houses at the edge of the water.

God natt, Norway, søte drømmer....

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