Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Worship Arts Conservatory - May 2014 Course

Our May WAC class will be BS200: The Lifestyle of the Worshiper *
Course Duration: 5-30 May 2014
Course statement: In this course we investigate a series of biblical studies on the history and lifestyles of musicians and singers throughout Bible times. It is designed to challenge us by noting the standard that was required in every area of their lives, from musical abilities to personal devotion. Through this understanding, we desire personal challenge towards excellence in ministry, private devotion and personal holiness.
Relationship to the Worship Arts Degree Program:
BS200:The Lifestyle of the Worshipper is a second level course in Biblical Studies in the Associate of Worship Arts Degree Program. This curriculum is designed to develop an informed understanding of the practical ministerial and devotional lives of Old Testament ministers of worship and how this information relates to worship ministries today.
Recommended Texts:
Blomgren, David K., The Song of the Lord, Portland, OR; Bible Temple Publications, 1978
Hutchinson, Enoch, Music of the Bible, Austin, TX; Gould & Lincoln, 1864
Reynolds, Isham Emmanuel, Music and the Scriptures, Nashville, TN; Broadman Press, 1942
Sendry, Mildred and Alfred N., David’s Harp, New York, NY; Philosophical Library, 1969
Sendy, Alfred, Music in Ancient Israel, New York, NY; Philosophical Library, 1969

Please let me know if you'd like to enroll for the May course by clicking here

*BS200 carries on from BS250:Tabernacle of David although it is not required to have taken BS250 previously.

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