Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Funny Crochet Hat

Peer pressure works, it would seem, because here is my hat. It just popped out one day when Sharon was here which is often the case. She has this funky, other-worldly fibre arts anointing that prompts amazing things one has never done to appear right before one's eyes. Yea for creative, amazing friends like Sharon!  I didn't realize I could crochet. It's actually very easy and fast. 

Do you see what I mean about making weird grandmother-ish things? My hat looks like something from 1930. Hmmm.

I continue to lament: Becca, please help!


Raelynn said...

it's cute. i love it.

and you know, i don't think it's grandmothery. but, since your adamant about this, may i make a suggestion? if you want a more youthful look, just pick different yarn--deep, bright and vivid colors, or funky fun texture! that could be a start.

Raelynn said...

and might i add, just for clarification...I DO LIKE THIS. i don't think it's grandmothery.

Rebecca said...

well, i guess the colors are a bit quiet for two reasons: i'm a norwegian AND it was yarn i bought for a dishcloth! he he he ;)

thanks for the suggestion, i'll try and buy bold, bright colors but it will be difficult. i'm color-challenged.

becca said...

Excellent hat! Not that it's bad at all! I'd wear it with the right style of clothes :)I agree with Raelynn, just try different colors and types of yarns. Though stay away, and I repeat, stay away from the Red Heart acrylic, scratchy, plastic yuck--no matter what color it is! That type of yarn will tend to enable the granny in any pattern!

Rebecca said...

so, becca, you don't advocate using plain dishcloth yarn for hats? hehehehe

ok, color it is!

becca said...

ymmm no, I probably wouldn't use dishcloth yarn for a hat but I'm overly obsessive about yarn. (go ahead and call me a yarn snob! I know you wanna!) Plus if the hat gets wet (rain or snow) it will do what a dishcloth does...soak up all the water and you'll have a wet head...just sayin' is all... :)

Rebecca said...

yep, hats out of dishcloth yarn is pretty retarded, i'll agree. it was just handy and i was feelin' it so i grabbed the only thing i could find. and i could SO become a yarn snob if i lived where you are but all we have around here for a resource is joann's and that is about the nastiest place on the planet. i know, it's a poor excuse but i thought i'd throw it out there to try and restore my reputation.