Could there really be anything more beautiful than snow falling? I know you Sandy people love the sunshine but every snowflake is a kiss from my Father and I really, really dig it!
I have a confession to make: Israel has somehow crept into my bones. It may have something to do with breaking my ribs on the way to her border, but I just happened and I feel unalterably changed. Now, I'm not saying Israel will ever overtake Norway as first in my heart but it was amazing to be there and see the ancient stones and gates of her city. We wept together at the Holocaust Museum, climbed the steps to Mt Zion, prayed in the Garden ofGethsemane, witnessed the empty tomb and stole dirt from the place of the crucifixion (a major Immigration violation but you just have to do things when your son asks, right?), and worshiped at the Wailing Wall, to name a few things. Thank you, Jeanne and John, for such a gift.