For my friends who have made the decision to embrace their creativity and express God in new ways, I have this quote from Dr. Wilson Yates to share with you (and it's one of my favorites):
There is a power art has that draws us as a religious people to the works of artists. It is a power that calls us onto holy ground and engages us in matters of ultimate importance. It is a power that invites us to explore the religious and moral depths of our life, to explore our own spiritual journey…We are each, I think, on a spiritual journey, for we all have at the heart of our larger human journey that set of experiences and explorations that are concerned with the inner struggle of defining who we are and who we are in relationship to God, of understanding the ultimate purpose and meaning of our existence, of responding to those events that shake us in often ruthless fashion…If we see ourselves as spiritual pilgrims then the arts, with their power to call us onto holy ground, become our inevitable companions on our journey.
So, my beautiful friends, CREATE, INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE, ENGAGE and show Christ through all you do! I can't wait to see what you come up with so don't hold back :)

For Becca: I thought I'd post one of my favorite photos from December in Norway. There was a fresh snow fall (gotta love that!) and the colors were unbelievably beautiful. It was so surreal, it may not look like it but the turquoise is a lake behind the trees.